The Print Industry: A Student’s Perspective of Where it is and Where it's Headed

Written by Kelsey Seibt
Student, School of Media Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technolog
As we all have probably experienced, the world is making strides towards going digital. Magazines can be read online and downloaded in the App Store, and books can be bought and downloaded for an e-reader. Even though we are turning our attention towards  digital media, there will always be a use for print.
The world of print is so vast, from packaging to car wraps to business cards and more. Print is still very important in today’s society. Even just walking into say, a kitchen, you will see a majority of the items in some way may have been printed. From the counter tops to the cabinets, and most certainly the packaging of the food items in the fridge and pantry.
Other uses of print include clothing, floor coverings, gift wrap…and let’s not forget money!
Because of the vast uses of print, it will never become obsolete. With smaller run lengths, a desire to avoid warehousing and waste, and the growing emphasis on personalization – huge opportunities exist with digital printing. Another development that may be the big hit of the future is 3D printing.
3D printing is a concept that I myself find truly amazing. While 3D printing is not necessarily a new process, it is one that is being improved upon. 3D printing will soon be the norm of the future as we print out TV remotes, parts to cars, and maybe even human limbs. It may represent not only the future of the printing industry, but will help advance other fields as well such as the medical and agricultural sectors. One day we might have the ability to print human organs and use them for transplants. We might even be able to print our own food, removing the unnecessary hormones and pesticides in our food now. Being able to print food might even help solve some world hunger problems.
The field of printing has always interested me from a young age. I first got involved in the design side by teaching myself how to create and code websites at 13. I then was introduced to print and graphic communications in high school when I took a graphics class. From the moment I designed and screen printed my very first t-shirt, I was hooked. Now in college, I have been immersed in both the creative and production sides of print. Understanding both is important to me, because as things evolve, I want to be that person that can help with the transition; I want to bridge the gap.

Kelsey Seibt is a 3rd year student in the Media Arts and Technology program in the School of Media Sciences at RIT.  She is from McHenry, IL and is gaining valuable knowledge and experience with digital presses while working in the Digital Publishing Center in the School of Media Sciences.  You can connect with her on LinkedIn or via email.

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  1. digital media industry September 19, 2013 -

    Publishers and event organisers alike are developing ways to communicate with their audiences all year round.

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