Pop-Tarts builds its brand with personalized packaging

We are exposed to 2,904 media messages a day, see about 52 of them, and do you know how many we remember by the next day? 4.
With so many brands competing for our attention, the more we are exposed to a specific brand the more likely we will recall and gravitate towards it for our next purchase— sometimes subconsciously.  I was trying to think of which brands I feel I’m typically exposed to the most, and within a conversation with a coworker last week, Pop-Tarts was mentioned as a company that has found a creative way to build their brand and increase profits through personalized packaging.
On PoptartsWorld.com, consumers can order a personalized box with any image they choose to upload.  When I was first shown this site, I immediately thought about ordering a box for my nephew who loves eating the cinnamon brown sugar ones for a breakfast before baseball practice. Why?  Because he would really enjoy seeing his name and a photo of him in his baseball uniform every time he sits down for a quick breakfast and I am willing to pay a premium for him to enjoy this small moment.
The advantage Pop-Tarts has is that as people order these personalized packages, their logo and branding is also visible on the box.  As the consumer sits to have a snack, they are constantly reminded of not only the brand, but where they got such a personalized and sentimental item.  It can become a conversation piece that people connect over, and when others see the box, I guarantee they will think about ordering another personalized box.  And if they don’t…I’m pretty sure a child would ask their parent to buy Pop-Tarts again because of the personalized box they experienced … whether they know it or not.
Pop-Tarts is reaffirming its brand with consumers, and making a nice profit off of personalized packaging they can print on demand, in a quantity of one.  If you think about the cost of a normal box versus the cost consumers are willing to pay for a personalized version, Pop-Tart’s return on investment with personalized packaging is huge!
What are your thoughts on the effectiveness of personalized packaging?

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  1. Doug Colford February 28, 2012 -

    I appericiate your article a lot. Excellent Hee Hee

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