How to Improve Print Sales with Good Stories

One of the biggest dangers facing those selling print these days is the fact that many people don’t value print highly enough. Print budgets are being cut, or moved to digital channels.
These days, sales people need to sell the value of print
You may be surprised as just how much is written about print. There are plenty of articles singing the praises of print. There are also a good number of studies that show how print has helped businesses.
It’s worth sending your customers and prospects fairly frequent information reminding them of why they should be using print.
So how do you find resources promoting print?
Here are some recent articles from the Xerox blog that you will find useful:

Make sure you bookmark this site as it regularly features similar pieces.
In addition, the Xerox Success Story library contains over 250 stories of how print providers delivered solutions beyond their customer’s expectations using print. You can find it at:
I also regularly feature good news stories and resources about print on my social media feeds. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook to receive access of these.
In addition, I have created a Twitter list with some of the best print industry feeds. Be sure to check that list out!
Remember to share these resources with your team. Everyone at your company should be focused on spreading good news about print.
Here’s where you should use these resources

  • At team meetings
  • At customer meetings
  • On your website
  • On your company social media feeds
  • In customer mailings

We need to do all we can to make sure that customers preserve their print budgets.
Editor’s Note: This post is part of a larger series focused on effective sales and sales-training tactics:

PS If you’d like great ideas on how to engage with today’s buyers, download my free e-book “Ten Common Print Selling Errors and What To Do About Them”. You’ll also receive my regular “Views from the print buyer” bulletin, full of ideas on how to sell print effectively.

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  1. Hillary April 7, 2016 -

    I agree, print has helped many businesses. Thanks for the sites, they will come in handy. Great article!

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