Born of Necessity, yet reluctant to change

Variable Data printing was born out of necessity some 15 years ago when office users took the drastic steps of merging static and variable elements to give their lives some degree of simplicity. The question I have to ask is, what steps do we take today as printers to refocus the relevance of print in the minds of our customers, the creative agencies and print buyers?
I have a few basic ideas here.

1. Any touch point with your customer base has potential value. Making print more relevant by using a form of variable content management allows us to do this whichever equipment you have.

2. Personalised print messaging that is built around a technology strategy adds even more value, but this is at the higher end of the spectrum, it doesn’t have start like that.

3. Focused communication that is relevant, engaging and timely is a marketer’s dream, the problem is we as printers seem to be slow on the uptake.

Printers today need to embrace change that’s for sure, this is as much in the technology as it is in their business model as it is in the marketing strategy. Value creation for their customers has to be at the heart of our businesses, offering a service that gives relevance and can be measured in terms of response rates gives clarity to any marketing spend.

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  1. Raphael D Coccia December 20, 2009 -

    Variable Data printing has built so much value for my current clients. Being able to test market products and new specials directly to the person your targeting has proved to be profitable and saavy

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