Written by Bill Ziercher, Chairman, CEO of Gabriel Group
Foreword written by Bill Michael
With the Xerox Best-of-the-Best Contest open and continuing to collect exceptional work, I wanted to provide a detailed look at Gabriel Group of Earth City, Missouri, a past winner of this competition, whose data-driven solutions and expertise help to continually exceed the expectations of their customers. By utilizing their Xerox iGen4™ Press, Xerox™ Nuvera® 288 EA Perfecting Production System, and Xerox® 495® Continuous Feed Duplex Printer, along with a revolutionary web-based Marketing Resource Management Solution, G3, Gabriel Group is able to expand it’s offerings to include direct marketing and cross media campaigns, web-to-print solutions, variable data printing, and much more.
You may remember Gabriel Group for the outstanding self-promotional campaign they produced, which we featured on our blog last year. Not only did this campaign result in new business and generated a tremendous ROI, but by doing so it also created substantial awareness of Gabriel Group’s services and offerings to prospective clients.
I recently had a chance to speak at greater depth with Bill Ziercher (BZ), Chairman, CEO of Gabriel Group:
Xerox: Please give me some background information on your company. What would you like the readers to know about you?
BZ: Gabriel is a leader in the Marketing Resource Management (MRM) space–We help Marketing execs who are under tremendous pressure to increase the ROI on their marketing spend…who are sick from cost overruns and waste or when they must get personalized materials to market through various channels faster than ever before. In a nutshell, we produce, manage and distribute electronic & printed marketing assets and provide clients a web-based platform that seamlessly links our fulfillment operation with print-on-demand and digital asset management.
Xerox: What benefits do you see from participating in a program like this?
BZ: Gabriel’s reason for entering the Best-of-the-Best Contest was two-fold. We decided to enter partly because of the success we had had with the “Green is Good” campaign which embraced a couple major trends in marketing: Responsible Marketing or the Green Initiative and Cross-Channel Marketing. In addition, we highly value our relationship with Xerox and respect their opinions.
We realized soon after completion of our “Green is Good” campaign that Responsible Marketing was not just a trend and have continued to support the Green Initiative in our marketing efforts. If you are interested in a FREE ebook on Responsible Marketing, email Kelsey Ruse at kelsey.ruse@gabrielgroup.com.
Xerox: How has winning an award in the Best-of-the-Best impacted your business?
BZ: Winning an award in Best-of-the-Best has helped Gabriel Group with credentialing. Xerox is a key player in their market space. So, being able to provide the Xerox press release about Gabriel Group’s award in the Best-of-the-Best contest to clients and prospects is a great credentialing tool
Xerox: How have you used the success of Gabriel Group in the Best-of-the-Best program as a selling point?
BZ: We have used our success in the Best-of-the-Best program as a credentialing tool. The Xerox Best-of-the-Best award is a wonderful 3rd Party Endorsement that we provide to prospective clients.