Guerrilla Marketing Starts Now and You Can Do It

Written by:
Al Lautenslager
Author of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, Speaker, Consultant
Mention Guerrilla Marketing and people think street marketing, camouflage, sneaking around, etc. That might sound extreme but it really is more than that. Guerrilla Marketing is marketing, using time, energy, imagination, information and knowledge instead of big checks out of check books for advertising that may or may not work. It works even for marketing and print service providers. Gorilla holding "SALE!" sign
When used properly, guerrilla marketing is one of the most effective weapons available in today’s print service provider’s marketing arsenal to develop business, increase sales and make more deposits in bank accounts.
The best way to start thinking about an effective guerrilla marketing campaign is to determine where your target customers are, and find a unique way to reach them. This might mean using a wacky, attention getting headline, a different marketing vehicle to carry the message in a different way to the target market or something extreme to get noticed, all without spending big bucks. While there are a host of ideas that we will communicate to you over time here are some starters:
Create your own holiday, (e.g. Dec.1 is National Take a Customer Out to Lunch Day or National Thank You Letter Day or even Send a Postcard to Your Favorite Prospect Day) and then garner all kinds of PR coverage.
You might consider staging a protest for, “Good Customer Service,” outside your business, or even something like, “This business beats all customer deadlines,” also getting attention and potential coverage by the media.
The last idea I’ll leave you with in this post is the Pay It Forward Idea. I learned of this when in Chicago and going through tollways and paying daily tolls on the way to work. Pay the toll for the person behind you and give the toll collector a business card and a notepad from your company to give to the person following. You never know who is behind you and who might recognize your good gesture, contacting you and ending up doing business with you. You can also do this at the movie theater or any place that collects money from a line of people. People love the free notepads and it may bring them back for more.
These are just a few ideas and they work! Let go of your imagination, get noticed, be remembered and let people talk about your guerrilla marketing ways and you will increase your bank account deposits. Happy Marketing!!

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