A Scientific Approach To Business Challenges

Science…it brings images of bunsen burners and beakers to mind. Think back to your science classes and learning about the scientific method, remember that term? Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.
I don’t necessarily apply the scientific method to my all my responsibilities on the job but I’ve seen evidence of scientific methodologies at work in the business world. Take for example, the Miami University of Ohio.  Their business challenge was to increase enrollment to their Honors Program by attracting high-performing college-bound students. The solution was to create a more strategic approach to direct marketing efforts versus a “ more is better approach.”
Miami University recognized this challenge and partnered with bpt communication solutions, Trekk Cross Media and the Xerox 1:1 lab to come up with this scientific approach.  These partners designed a test to directly compare the existing direct mail program with a new highly personalized multichannel program that delivered a 31% over goal enrollment.  Xerox and bpt will be sharing their successful approach to this business challenge at PODi in Las Vegas, NV on January 31-February 2.  (For complete details, click here)
Do you approach business challenges in the business world scientifically? Can you apply the scientific approach to the world of digital printing? My hypothesis: YES! If so, please share your thoughts!

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  1. Chaumont August 18, 2011 -

    This was really helpful, thank you.

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