The Rookies vs. The Print Pro’s

Written by Fred Ramsey, Wirldwide Marketing Product Manager at Xerox Corporation
Tech never sleeps—Smart phones are indeed cutting edge tech—A string of innovation from the Telegraph to iPhone.  The same is true for all tech-even printers.  Yes, yes, printers- It’s true-even printers.
I’ve noticed a trend whereby “non-print professionals” are trying their hand at creative media applications.  I secretly call them “In Plant Rookies”.  Frankly, these folks really don’t know what they don’t know.  However, they appear to be starting to learn (and learn quickly).  They’re learning that they can do for themselves what others used to do for them.
Often these new “Rookies” beat the “Pros” at their own game.  Basically, Tech is making everything easier.  My wife at the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) runs Window Clings and school paraphernalia (OK, I may have had a hand in that!)   I also see my neighbor Real Estate friend running applications for Open Houses; photo, Magnets, Polyester, Key ring tags.  In both cases, no traditional Quick Printer is involved.
These “Rookies” are waking up to the fact that they can be more creative AND save money. – Is this trend real?  What is the impact?

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  1. radha June 28, 2011 -

    nice work good

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